
In our 27-year history, this is our first ever double issue. And it’s yours to keep!
But to say it’s a double issue does the work an injustice, since in fact you are holding two fully-fledged magazines by 164 pages, all in one for your festive and New Year’s reading.
We’re especially proud to be able to take you with us on a journey to one of the world’s most expensive wineries – Spain’s famous winery of Vega Sicilia.
And you get to experience it with us. Simply amazing!
On top of this, we’ll introduce you to France’s former president Jacques Chirac’s personal sommelier, plus take you around a whole range of excellent wineries in Moravia.
You can also look forward to catching a glimpse of Thanksgiving Dinner in Texas. We went to Austin to take part in a really lovely international competition where our wines picked up 10 double golds and 17 golds, leaving behind an outstanding impression!
To fly to the other side of the world without gathering plenty of interesting material for you would have been a crime – hence the theme of this issue – Special Texas.
And don’t worry, there’s plenty left for the next issue!
So don’t say we never spoil you!


SPECIAL: Wine Production in Texas
Cistercians´ Seal
Terravino Israel
Trophée Bohemia Sekt
Vega Sicilia
Cedric Picot –  President´s Chirac sommelier
Davinus – first five years
Organic winery Čech
Wine Barn in Valtice
Proqin Bubbles
Fictive interview with Foltyn brothers
Tomáš Vican – wine and movies producer
Vitis Strážnice
MD Kosík´s wines
Josef Dufek Svatobořice-Mistřín

Revue for Hotel, Restaurant, Travel:

SPECIAL: Czech footsteps in Texas
Texan beer
New CIPA shop
Pavlovín and Gastronomy
Chefs Gallery: Radek Šplíchal
History of Coffee – Café games
History of Beer – Christmas customs
Autosalon: Papa mobiles

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